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From a seriously scary video that could show a ghost in an old brewery to footage captured in a potentially haunted museum, these are seriously scary videos to watch in the dark. ,Scary, ScaryVideos, SlappedHam SUBSCRIBE: WATCH MORE HAM: SUPPORT US ON PATREON: SLAPPED HAM TSHIRTS HOODIES: SUBMIT YOUR OWN PARANORMAL PHOTOS AND VIDEOS: READ MORE AMAZING TOP 10 LISTS ON OUR WEBSITE: FOLLOW US: OUR MOST POPULAR TOP 10 VIDEO: SOURCES: 8. Door unlocks by itself. Crazy 7. THIS was our SCARIEST ENCOUNTER EVER , Cutthroat Brewing Company 4k, Ep1 6. Ghost Demon face caught on camera 5. Mysterious incident in Brighton Museum caught on CCTV 4. Malaysia ghost caught inside the store 3. WHAT THE ACTUAL OMG 2. (ALL EYES ARE ON US) THE MYSTERY FROM THE MEDINA MANSION 1. Shadow person caught on tape MUSIC: Gathering Darkness by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license Source: Artist: The Children s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license Artist: