ゆゆまる アイノマテリアル 踊ってみた 未羽誕生祭 Niconico Video sm38941433
Rather I want you to sweeten Good evening is Yuyu. Today, I danced with a celebration because it was a lovely unwanted birthday. I could not celebrate the video due to poor health so far, but I was really happy that I was finally celebrated in the day when I reached a wonderful milestone of 20 years old. Congratulations on the 20th years old again may it be a wonderful year Please let me go next to it. Music main family: Today s leading role unbelievable birthday video Sm38920016 Mylis: MyList, 57972068 Twitter: miuxxx0626 振 振 振 振 Edit Edit Yayuman mylist: (mylist, 61418848) Twitter: Series I tried to dance solo Previous: Yuyumi Decorator danced Next: Yu Yuyumi Corporation Rejected Dance Original chores Fixed point する Play continuously from the beginning of the series Hide Video Description Yayuman Video uploads