Bloodsport CA Prime Time ( Intro) ( OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
Beheading The Traitor Presents: Bloodsport CA STAY UP TO DATE ON SPOTIFY: Metalcore, PostHardcore: Deathcore, Deathmetal, Slam: Metal: JOIN THE CONVERSATION: SUBMIT YOUR VIDEO: Bloodsport CA Prime Time (Intro) Video, Editing : bradithy (Brad Eichar) Directed by: James J. Williams Artwork : daggerxface (Larry Verner) Logo: herimythologyart Mix Mastering : Null Sound, James J. Williams Location: Cideshow Studios Gardena, CA Written by: James J. Williams, Joshua Null, Jay Torres Bloodsport CA Ig: bloodsportca Vocals Jay (begforjay) Guitars Jae (jaejacobwilliams) Bass Josh A (joshvaandrew) Drums Josh N (joshnullofficial) Featuring Members of (Shrine of Malice, Face Your Maker, So This Is Suffering, Ruinist, For All I Am)