Wait For Me Layout By Me And More
A little icy steel never hurt Level ID: 78250524 0:00 Pixizkiel. 0:15 Mzero. 0:44 Xwao. 0:55 Nectar. 1:05 Ouroix. 1:30 Pixizkiel. 1:40 Pixizkiel (Mzero Gameplay). 1:48 Pixizkiel. 1:51 Z4ppatron. 2:14 Rryus (Pixizkiel Structures). 2:35 Endscreen By Mzero. Entry for LFH Contest 2. Server: It was an honor and a pleasure to work with this group of people. I cannot write with enough eloquence to describe the experience it was to make this level, but I expect I will probably never, as a host, top the quality achieved by this project. Pixizkiel alone put around 15 hours of his time into this, and on one occasion, even built while at a restaurant. While the others did not necessarily put in as much time as he did, the work ethic at hand and the care everyone put into their work was extremely impressive. When it comes to the theming, it s kind of an interest