BREAKING FAKE NEWS In Slow French ( March 29, 2018) French Language Learning
News in Slow French is a weekly podcast designed to help you learn French by listening to the news. Full episodes are available at: This is the News in Slow French free story of the week for March 29, 2018 Pacific Garbage Patch. We are in the language learning business but we also deal with news so we come across our fair share of fake news. Today we have a little fun at the expense of this otherwise serious issue which affects us all. After, we will listen to this week s story and you can follow along with the script. And at the end we put joking aside and tell you what we really think about the fake news problem. This French language learning podcast releases new episodes every week, featuring more news stories and stimulating conversations, hosted by native speakers of French. All of our original content is made to stimulate French listening comprehension. For more News in Slow French, including the full episode sampled here, go to: