How to use Chat GPT to easily learn any skill you want
In today s video, I show you how I ve been using AI to help me learn any skill or subject that I want. I ve been attempting to selfeducate myself for years and haven t really been successful, but ever since getting my hands on tools like ChatGPT, selfteaching myself has honestly been easier than ever. I hope some of the methods I mention in the video can help you learn more easily too :) Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 1:25 Method 1 2:26 Method 2 3:04 Method 3 4:00 Method 4 4:39 Method 5 6:22 Method 6 7:12 Outro Watch me on Twitch: Community Discord: Weekly Newsletter: Twitter: Instagram: 3 Books you should read (that changed my life): Atomic Habits: How to Win Friends Influence People: Building a second Brain: The gear I use daily: SMB7 Mic: Logitech Webcam: Logitech Mouse: Secret Lab Chair: Joby GorillaPod: PS: Some of these links are affiliate links that I earn from. Business email: , ai, chatgpt, openai