10 Rarest Mens Gymnastics Skills
Merry Christmas Guys So I ve got a different video for you here This is a video of some of the rarest, craziest, most unique skills I have ever seen. I hope you like it, remember to like, comment, share, subscribe etc. 1 Double arabian full out, punch 3, 2 Diego Hypolito 2 Whip, 3, 1 twisting double back Kenzo Shirai 3 Squat full to undergrip, immediate Walstrom 4 Triple Front Courtney Tulloch 5 Longswing Makutz Watanabe Kyoichi 6 Straight front 7, 2 Kenzo Shirai Giarnni ReginiMoran 7 2, 1 Twisting Geigner Rezacs Zoli 8 Forward Azarian to Top Planche Ng Kiu Chung 9 3, 1 twisting, double straight back Kenzo Shirai 10 Double Twisting Kovac Andreas Bretschnieder