Weibull Distribution Part2: Three Parameter Weibull, B10 life, Characteristic Life
Dear viewers, we are happy to release this 26th video from Institute of Quality and Reliability This is the second part of our two videos on Weibull Distribution. In this video, Hemant Urdhwareshe discusses few more concepts of Weibull Distribution, such as characteristic life, threeparameter Weibull and B10 life for Weibull Distribution. The concepts are explained with an application case study to calculate reliability using the Weibull Reliability function. The video would be useful to all those who want to learn applicability of Weibull Distribution to estimate reliability and to those who wish to take ASQ CRE, CQE, Six Sigma Black Belt and CMBB certification exams. In Weibull Distribution Part1, Hemant had explained various basic concepts in Weibull Distribution with brief discussion on mathematical relationships.