HE WHO COMES FROM ABOVE. ( The Bible. Reloaded XXI. )
, God, Jesus, endtimes, bible, thebiblexxi , Messenger , religion, TheVoiceOfSomeoneShoutingInTheDesert I am the voice of someone shouting in the desert. (Joel 2:11) Playlist: THE VOICE OF SOMEONE SHOUTING IN THE DESERT. The great tribulation time HAS BEGUN in 2023. Peace and blessings INSTAGRAM: RussianPrinceOfficial Astashenoknow I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. (Luke 16:9) Russian bank: SBERbank 5228 6005 2701 2639 DMITRY ASTASHENOK Thank you God blasts you Generation2434 WatchmanRiver LastDaysAWAKENING