Swimming France (1927 1932)
Swimming France. This item has natural sound throughout. A water variety, comedy show at large swimming pool. Beginning cut off; but opens w, shot of young woman in swimsuit posing on bonnet of car; as announcer speaks about having the pleasure to present for the first time. ... Cut to women in car (convertible w, roof down); one introducing another who has just won something or other (natural sound). Woman interviewing a man sitting in another car; another woman in passenger seat holds up a little dog makes barking noises. Then at the Molitor swimming pool; their swimming championship. Wide shot swimming pool w, spectator seating on 3 levels around the sides. Shots of men s women s races. CU man and woman; winners of races; talking laughing at pool side. Next; the action changes from sports to entertainment with accordion music accompaniment. Girls play w, ball; then jump into pool. Girls swim around; holding onto inflatable fish; swans; etc. Men on side w, fishing poles try to f