ANGMODNES Under Darkened Vaults excerpt ( OFFICIAL PLAYTHROUGH), Black Lion Records
ANGMODNES Under Darkened Vaults (excerpt) from the upcoming album The Weight of Eternity 30 September 2022 Stream, download, and preorder, presave, purchase here: Available as digipack CD and digital. Under Darkened Vaults is a redacted excerpt from a text by the Romanian writer Emil Cioran. It is about ways in which those who are so far removed from life have learned to hide from its tireless oppressive pointlessness. For those who suffer from extreme existential despair, it can become tempting to develop a morbid devotion to ones despondency. Video and music recorded, produced, and mixed and edited by Y. S. and M. V. UNDER DARKENED VAULTS Veil after veil is released from your soul, Veil after veil swirls intangible in the air. How many veils covered your soul, how many secrets have they buried Why have you hidden your depths from light, from air, from surface You told yourself: everything is extreme, u