Samir Ale Die and Live Again
Listen Now: Artist Website: Recorded at: A song about the turning point in life coming with the awareness that one will never be this young again. Using the lessons learnt from past lives, one can elevate the human presence to rise above the prison of selfdoubt and start resonating to a higher vibration of the energy of courage and wisdom to be fearless. Lyrics Alive and conscious, shining in the light of life My heart is dancing to the beat of time Beneath the surface of the mask of my conformity A selfawareness runs through my veins Is this the moment of redemption Is this the time for me Refract the colors of the burning sun in the golden sky Let it fall down into the corners of my soul Inhale the stillness, breathe into existence Born into the world of my experience Can I touch what I feel, can I see who I am Will I hear, will I understand Wil