Animals That Asked People for Help, Random Acts of Kindness
, kindness, animalrescue, rescue Intro Animals are like people in a lot of ways. Theyre just trying to make it in this crazy world just like we are. And, also just like us, they need a bit of help from time to time. And at the end of the day, how different are we from our animal cousins, if all we need to survive is each other Lets take a look and find out. 0:20 When the temperature reaches above 40 degrees celsius or 104 degrees fahrenheit in Australia, water is a gift not refused by the creatures that inhabit the continent. Here we see a parched bird eagerly accepting some water from a human only too happy to help. The bird here is a cockatiel if Im not mistaken. Let me know in the comments if I m correct. 1:12 How this adorable little fawn got herself stuck in this tight spot is anyones guess. But with all these neighborly humans pitching in, and Momma deer standing by carefully watching the proceedings, this story will have a happy ending for su