Italian guy speaking 9 languages (+2) Polyglot Language Snapshot
YOU CAN SKIP THE INTRO BY JUMPING TO 2:05 (REMEMBER TO ACTIVATE SUBTITLES ) Hi everybody, my name s Stefano and this is my Language Snapshot 2017, my firstever video for YouTube, and despite some cuts it s still long Skip the introduction (2:05) if you want to listen directly to the other languages. Languages spoken: 00:25 English 02:20 German 04:11 Portuguese 05:28 French 07:30 Finnish 09:19 Spanish 10:18 Japanese 12:24 Romanian 14:17 Italian 14:45 (Mandarin and Icelandic, only one sentence each) Further notes: this video was recorded in Apr. 2017 on two different days and at different times of day, so I apologize for the sudden changes in lighting (whoever has spent some time in Brussels knows just how it is like here :D). This is a long overdue video and I d like to thank all my friends (not only polyglots ) for their encouragement to finally reach out and join While I am aware of some mistakes that I made in this video, I do appreciate corrections because these can make me