Funny Story During Yoga TTC
500 hour yoga teacher training student Vishal has shared his funny story during the students celebration day at AYM Yoga School, Rishikesh, India. It will give you an overview to think and how yoga and philosophy changes the mind and gives you selfrealization towards a healthy and happy life. Plan your yoga journey to become a successful yoga teacher. . AYM Yoga Teachers Training School Rishikesh is one of the best and oldest yoga teacher training school and offering yoga ttc and health services since 2005. We have skilled and professional experienced yoga teachers team. They will train you and guide you without any injuries during the yoga ttc program. Join us to learn various styles of Yoga and Meditation. Special Booking Offer for the month of MAY 2023 200 Hour Yoga TTC ( Duration: 24 Days) 750 USD (With Dormitory Accommodation) 850 USD (Shared Accommodation) 1000 USD (Single Accommodation). 300 Hour Yoga TTC ( Duration: 28 Days) 1000 U