A Precious Video of Late Master Zhangs Tai Chi Push Hands 先師張振華先生(師承傅鍾文大師)于紐約與黑人拳友推
This is a video of my beloved late master Zhang Zhen Hwa of Shanghai, an inner circle student of Mater Fu Zhong Wen (one of Master Yang Cheng Fu s top disciple), selflessly sharing the internal knowledge of Yang Style Tai Chi Push Hands with 2 Soul Tai Chi Bagua practitioners (the first African American gentleman is Sifu Rudy Curry jr of Queens, NY, a renowned teacher of various Chinese Martial Arts) who truthfully demonstrates the nature of inner peace, and at the same time, tearing down the barrier of culter and race Master Zhang at the time was in his late 70s and weighed a mere 110 lbs; this video was filmed in Kissena Park, Fresh Meadows, NY, Where Mr. Zhang would teach Tai Chi and push hands every morning, regardless of weather conditions, except for days of heavy rain, all the way through his late 80s In spite of his age of the time, the skill set he had demonstrated in the art of Yang Tai Chi was inspirational I would also like to take this opportunity to pay tribute br, br,