Brass Rubbing (1961)
Stoke D Abernon, Surrey. L, S of picturesque St Mary s church in Stoke D Abernon, it is set behind some trees and a river. L, S of the church from another angle shot from between tree branches, the river is in the foreground. M, S of the church wall with a tree growing in front of it. M, S of the vicar, Reverend John Waterson walking towards the church door, with him is actress Ingrid Hafner who is carrying a large rolled up sheet of paper, they enter the church. The narrator explains that brass rubbing is her hobby, and all that is needed is a sheet of paper and some cobbler s wax. Interior. L, S as Ingrid and the vicar walk up to the altar, he points to the brass carvings on the floor. Ingrid kneels down and puts the paper and her bag down. M, S as she takes out a brush and starts to brush the carving, she looks up and smiles at the vicar, M, S of the vicar talking and smiling. C, U of the carving on the floor as she brushes it and runs her fingers over it. M, S as she starts to roll the paper over