What does it take to climb an E9 slab 8 techniques from the Walk of Life ( E9 6c)
8 unique, advanced techniques I used to send the Walk of Life I wanted to get really specific with the movements and reasons behind using them. Hopefully it s useful or at least interesting haha. Let me know if you want a similar analysis of Quarryman; ) Brit Rock is now on it s worldwide virtual tour (December 22, 2022 January 2, 2023) so if you re psyched, be sure to check it out: 0:51 full crimping, finger stacks 2:01 pressing 2:51 heel rest 4:13 thumbdercling 5:14 reverse crimp 6:47 stability pinches 8:16 edge vs smear feet Gracias I have exclusive content, early access, discounts on merch, mOR3 on Patreon: Crop tops tees here: ofc slab is sexy stickers here: , walkoflife, slab, slabclimbing