Workplace Accident True Story, Serious Injuries, Falls, Safety, OSHA, Near Death, Fatality
FREE Oregon OSHA Accident Investigation online course: Workplace accidents, and serious injuries could affect you and your workplace. Slips, trips and falls account for many near death injuries, and fatalities. This animated video chronicles the workplace fall protection accident involving a man who fell 30 feet after disconnecting from his safety line. This neardeath experience for Russ and his family shows how serious slips, trips and falls are in the workplace. It also tells the perspective of his spouse and how she handled the trauma of this workplace accident. Why is fall protection, and OSHA rules so important Russ Youngstrom shares his story about a workplace fall protection accident. While working, he fell 30 feet, and survived. Now, he and his wife travel to share advice on fall protection, and its benefits. An accident in the workplace can be life changing. It is a story of family, and of frien