Exclusive First Look: Step inside the cockpit of a B 2 stealth bomber
For the first time in over 20years of service, the U. S. Air Force has allowed a civilian journalist to fly aboard the B2 stealth bomber, and record the flight from inside the cockpit. Documentary filmmaker Jeff Bolton takes us along for the ride inside the Air Force s most secretive aircraft. Defense News, a sister publication of the Military Times, partnered with independent journalist and longtime radio personality Jeff Bolton for a multimedia report that takes an upclose look at the U. S. nuclear enterprise by way of Boltons exclusive flights on military strike platforms and interviews with the leadership and military staff that support nuclear operations and missions. For more on the B2 stealth bomber go to: To see more videos on the B2 bomber: How the B2 Spirit stealth bomber would help wage nuclear war This is what it takes to fly the B2 Spirit stealth bomber