PRO ANALYSIS Green Object on Las Vegas Metro PD Body Cam Aliens and UFO Crash
Las Vegas News Channel 8 is currently running a story about a reported alien spaceship crash in the Las Vegas metropolitan area. This crash was reported to Las Vegas Metro PD and also inclided 810 foot alien creatures. Just before this incident was reported to Las Vegas Metro PD via telephone, a green object was seen over Las Vegas that was recorded on police body cam footage. Where the two connected What was seen What did the officers find at the location We give a professional analysis for the local police officers who did great work responding and taking the report (any report) serious. Eta Aquariids Meteor Shower 19 Apr 28 May Peak on 6 May 1P, Halley Eta Lyrids Meteor Shower 3 May 14 May Peak on 10 May C, 1983 H1 (IRASArakiAlcock)