Central Asia Got Talent Show Dance Ability Azerbaijan
DanceAbility Azerbaijan Inclusive Performance Company s dancers Gandaf (Fatima) Akbarli Javid Aslanov participated in Central Asia Got Talent Show. We believe that creativity is based on equality, not on specific skills. DanceAbility Azerbaijan Inclusive Performance Company was founded by Nigar Sultanova in 2017 and is aimed at developing an inclusive society by holding inclusive workshops, seminars, teacher training programs and mixedabled performances. DanceAbility method is the study of movement improvisation. DanceAbility method facilitates deep, meaningful communication among practitioners which dissolves barriers between people with and without disabilities. By creating safe, nonjudgmental environment, DanceAbility method teaches universal language allowing the body to express emotions, build empathetic communicational and relationships. DanceAbility Azerbaijan Company offers inclusive movement classes to children, teens, adults with wi