Water pumps without electricity that once triumphed in the 19th century
I built a water pump without electricity or a hydraulic ram pump that has its glory in the 19th century Wikipedia: A hydraulic ram, or hydram, is a cyclic water pump powered by hydropower. It takes in water at one hydraulic head (pressure) and flow rate, and outputs water at a higher hydraulic head and lower flow rate. The device uses the water hammer effect to develop pressure that allows a portion of the input water that powers the pump to be lifted to a point higher than where the water originally started. The hydraulic ram is sometimes used in remote areas, where there is both a source of lowhead hydropower and a need for pumping water to a destination higher in elevation than the source. In this situation, the ram is often useful, since it requires no outside source of power other than the kinetic energy of flowing water. , Hydraulicrampump, RamPump, waterpump , freeenergywaterpump