prophet Nycteridae
listen on Soundcloud: listen on It s a little dark around, all that is around me are huge concrete walls, all I need to do is walk straight, sometimes turning to the side suggested by the concrete walls if there is a dead end on the way. My ears are screaming with a highfrequency screech, I don t know where, but as I walk forward, it seems to be amplified. You know, I would never have thought that I would end up here, flying, like, to Paris, all alone, I don t know where I wandered, honestly. But listen, my head is starting to break and I think I found the source of the sound when I met a huge Nycteridae in front of me, at the end of the path, as a reward. Long legs, huge wings that she flaps, her face, scary, emitting that very highfrequency whistle. Is that why I came here Oh shit, these streets of Paris don t know what I want at all. But thanks for the gift, I ll get better with it until I sell it.