Plunderphonics re FUSE (official music film)
reFUSE is a musical movie in progress as of March 18th very rough sound mix an independent more recent mix can be heard here: At the beginning of 1966, according to the Billboard Hot 100, the Beatles We Can Work it Out had just edged out Simon and Garfunkel, whose Sounds of Silence (15 years after John Cage debuted 433) had dominated the charts since the beginning of the year. Tom Jones was at number 35 with the theme song to the 007 movie Thunderball, a respectable followup to the greatest Bondsong performance ever, Shirley Bassey singing Goldfinger, the year before. This period forms the musical epicentre of my composition reFUSE. Edgard Varèse had just died the previous November, age 82. It had been 13 years since a 13yearold Frank Zappa first read about Varèse. That was 1953, the year I was born. Thirteen years later, in 1966, I was listening to everything I could find on the radio and TV, and at the movies; and I had just