Lindley Car Crash Test Aka Miras New Vehicle Impact Laboratory (1968)
No title. MIRA s new vehicle impact laboratory, Lindley, Nuneaton. Interior L, S shell of car on test track at Lindley. M, S showing front of car on test track. M, S showing the track which car will travel along. L, S man making final adjustments to seat belt inside car. Interior shot of car. C, U ditto. C, U man making adjustment to dummy in front seat of car. M, S group looking at end of track where crash will occur (including Minister of Technology Anthony WedgwoodBenn (Tony Benn). Panning shot men pulling back catapult which will propel car down track. M, S man in control room. C, U part of the recording equipment inside control room. Pan to more equipment. C, U computers revolving. C, U man turning key on consul. Panning shot down to man pressing button. M, S track and wall into which car will crash into. Car hits wall. M, S crashed car. C, U front of car showing smashed headlight and grille. M, S WedgwoodBenn looking at crashed car. C, U ditto. Panning shot to show part of the crashed