R jazykový strečink, Pronounce R easily, Произноси Р легко (fonetika)
Vladimír Franta Fonetické okénko: jak mluvím já Czech Pronunciation Training Учимся чешскому произношению Spisovná výslovnost: R jazykový strečink, Pronounce R easily, Произноси Р легко English transcript: This video is intended for a 7 year old boy Martin, who is learning how to pronounce the Czech consonants R Ř. Lets start with the sound R since, as it has been said, the existing videos are not sufficient. Now what I am making is a practical video to supplement my theoretical ones. First, we must practice mimic muscles gymnastics. I recommend an exercise within which we have to lick the upper lip as if it were covered with honey or chocolate. The lower jaw remains slightly dropped. The exercises look as follows: It is important that the mouth remains open, because the Czech consonant R requires quite a wide angle of the jaws. The first exercise has been completed. Next exercise: well try to place the tip of the tongue on the teethridge behind the upper front teeth, as if we wanted to lick