Fix Your Posture with Calisthenics Tik Tok Compilation
By request, I ll start uploading some TikTok compilations onto YouTube. Not everyone has the TikTok app and some prefer to view it here. The videos ARE in vertical. I apologize if this bothers you. All TikTok videos are viewed in vertical. If this video does well, I d be happy to redo the premise by refilming entirely. However, YouTube should have immersive vertical view, so if you re on mobile, you should be able to view it in vertical without a problem. Simply hit fullscreen and don t turn your phone. The first video addresses hunched shoulders and underused midback muscles with the wall slide. The second video aims to help fix the alltoocommon tech neck and rounded shoulders. The third video gives suggestions on dealing with anterior pelvic tilt I also touch on the lesscommon posterior pelvic tilt. The fourth video gives some stretches to keep our joints healthy and regeneratingvery important to good posture The f