Language Game s : Dr. Hannah Lammin Performing Machine Languages
Dr. Hannah Lammin Performing Machine Languages: from automatic writing to the transcendental computer This paper examines theoretical presuppositions about the essence of language by examining two mechanisms for machinic language production: the notional abstract machine that Alan Turing proposed as passing his Imitation Game test (1950); and the collective writing system created in Ron Atheys performance work Gifts of the Spirit: Automatic Writing (2011). Turings machine exemplifies a scientific conception of machine language, whereas Atheys models a philosophical conception of language ultimately grounded in the human. Drawing on Jon McKenzies (2001) taxonomy of performance paradigms, the paper analyses how these theoretical perspectives, in distinct ways, posit language as an act of performance. It then utilizes François Laruelles notion of the Transcendental Computer (2005) as a nonstandard theoretical apparatus for redeploying both paradigmsradicalizing the performat