1440p 60fps Augusts Fortnite Crew Pack Showcased ( Summer Skye, Epic Sword of Might, + More )
In Today s Video We showcase of the Augusts Crew Pack rewards Summer Skye Outfit, Epic Sword of Might Pickaxe, Cattitude Wrap, Psspsspsspss Wrap, and the Afternoon Quest Loading Screen If you enjoyed this quick showcase consider subscribing to never miss an upload Subscribe For More , Enable ALL push notifications Use Code FIRE On GFuel Partner Use Code FireMonkey in the Fortnite Item Shop Epic Partner Music VIA Ikson Follow the Socials Twitter Twitter 2 Discord Twitch Instagram Business Email , FireMonkey, Fortnite, FortniteNews I can t say this in every video but if you ve read this far down the description, I just wanted to say that I appreciate each and every single one of you who take time out of your day to wa