The sound of Prague tram streets Сzech Republic 4k Walk HDR ASMR
If anyone does not know, the Prague tram fleet is the third largest in the world. There are up to 800 of them here. The sound of a running tram is associated with this beautiful city for each of us. Today in our Сzech Republic 4k Walk, we will move along the most tram streets in Prague: Jindřišská and Vodičkova The Prague tramway network is the largest tram network in the Czech Republic, consisting of 142. 4 km (88. 5 mi) of a track, 882 tram vehicles (one of the largest fleets in the world) and 26 daytime routes, two historical and 10 night routes with a total route length of 518 km (322 mi). It is operated by Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy a. s., a company owned by the city of Prague. The network is a part of Prague Integrated Transport, the city s integrated public transport system. Prague s first horsecar tram line was opened in 1875, and the first electric tram ran in 1891. Expansion plans were scaled down in the 1970s with the in