Turkish Braided Bread Poğaça With Potato Filling Vegan Friendly
Try this amazing braided bread with potato filling. Simple, quick, and delicious made with Turkish Pogaca dough. You can use cheese, meat, chicken, or other fillings besides potatoes too. I will give you the recipe with veganfriendly options. SUBSCRIBE FOLLOW ME FROM INSTAGRAM MY WEBSITE Facebook: Ingredients For Braided Potato Filled Rich Bread: (For 3 braided loaves of bread, you can use half or 2, 3 of the amount to have less) 2 cups lukewarm milk (to make it vegan use lukewarm water) 1, 2 cup vegetable oil 1 tbsp sugar 2 tsp salt 1 package instant dry yeast about 67 cups of flour (add 5+1, 2 cup first, then add gradually until you have smooth unsticky dough) For the potato filling: about 6 big potatoes (boiled until s