Silver Girl Aka Silver Medallions (1961)
Clerkenwell, London. M, S of a beatniky young silversmith, Dian, smoking a cigar as she works at a bench in her dimly lit studio. C, U of her grubby hands carving a medallion engraving. The narrator puts on a New York Beatnik accent We cats from Artsville, we just dig that real sweet beat. Man just button your ears to that crazy sound. C, U of a charcoal drawing hanging on the wall. Extreme C, U of the engraving being carved. C, U of Dian as she puffs at her cigar. M, S of Dian holding the engraving up and gently blowing away dust produced from carving. Extreme C, U of the engraving being carved Dian, in fact, is the only girl designer of men s jewellery in the country. M, S of Dian sawing a cuttlefish in half Dian makes a mould by a traditional method. C, U of Dian sawing. Dian rubs the two halves of the cuttlefish together until they are flush. C, U of Dian. Dian cuts a small hollow into one of the halves to pour the silver into, she then presses the engraving in the soft texture of t