UFO Sighting News : UFO Filmed By Police Helicopter in Wales on Thermal Camera in 2016
Instagram : Section 51 is recruiting Explorers, Navigators and Commanders Join our private space HERE : You can find our Section 51 s official Tshirts stuff here : A new amazing video of UFO sighting captured with FLIR camera in the UK has been recently released. A UAP which appeared to travelling around 106mph, said to have been only visible on a thermal camera and filmed by a police helicopter more precisely in Wales, in September 2016. It is very similar to those that have been captured by the US Navy and recorded on the same FLIR cameras. So, what could it be 00:00 Intro 01:04 UFO sighting 03:58 Gary Heseltine 09:18 The Pentyrch UFO Incident 10:59 Questions