Dragonica Pv E Black Claw Nest 2nd Elga Completion in IAH
Vewing on fullscreen, 720p recommended. It s huge though, so people with a bandwidth cap, please don t. Black Claw Nest, where Elga hides. Elga portion finished in 15 minutes. Party consists of Vashj, Valine, Virnobell, xLoveJinG, Lewy, Atheline, savony and Wendz. All members from the guild, Omni. Levels ranges from 70 78, all holding +20 weapons. Just to note, but Lewy isn t my character; I m just borrowing it. Timeline 1st Floor 1:00 Cerberus 4:24 2nd Floor 5:42 Devie Rich 8:10 3rd Floor 9:30 Diablick 10:30 Elga (1st) 14:24 Elga (2nd) 17:58 Elga (3rd) 22:20 br, br,