Musical Elitism Why it is EVERYWHERE
Musical elitism is a vast topic that touches on class classism, gatekeeping, education, snobbery, wealth, privilege, classical music, aspiration, historical legacy and popular culture. In this video I take a broad look at all of these. Please consider supporting me on Patreon Twitter Discord t. co, a3oYi1Rbnc amp1 Chapters: 00:00 Intro 05:22 Ancient China Confucius 09:21 The Secret Power of Music 11:51 The Sex Pistols 15:46 Mozart 21:11 Mainstream Elitism 26:47 The Classical Image 40:58 The Curious Case of Milton Babbitt 46:00 The Imposter Phenomenon 52:38 The Cultural Revolution 59:55 Final Thoughts Subtitles by Pentameron So many links Papers The Music and Musical Instruments of Ancient China by Robert W. Marks Source: The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 18, No. 4 (Oct. , 193