so like read this before you say anything bad. . yes i realize the black ovals are all messed up after like ten seconds. after i rendered it it took out like half of them, thats why they look all wierd, and im sorry i dont feel like rerendering it, it took almost 4 hours to get it like this. also my computer is dying so even if i did rerender it, it would prolly come out just as bad. that being said, the reason ive been MIA is because, as mentioned my computer is dying. like really badly. which translates to I HAD TO DELETE EVERYTHING. music, videos, projects. . ALL MY SHUGO CHARA EPISODES GONE. so after two weeks i finally convinced myself a few VK episodes would be fine, so i downloaded six episodes. went to use them for this video and one turned out to be just sound, one wouldnt work at all and one just plain dissappeared. so thats why this video is kinda boring. but i needed to make something to explain wtf happened. so until i get a new computer, and id br, br,