Faith: First AI That Can Cry
Faith is the worlds first AI capable of crying. The story depicts a mother and daughter reunited after being separated. Both voices are entirely computer generated using Sonantics AI texttospeech technology. If you would like to try our artificial voice technology, please visit our website: You can also follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest updates. Credits Directed produced by Sonantic Written by John Flynn, Zeena Qureshi, Gaël van den Bossche George Proud Animation by Proud Studio Interviews by Another Story Productions Voice Technology by John Flynn, Zeena Qureshi, Ines Nolasco, Diane Magnin, Felix Vaughan, Pilar Oplustil, Francesca Della Moretta, Ger Carney, James Parsloe, Regina Hartman, Taylor Schackmann, Gaël van den Bossche Mat Hill Generative Logo by Pentagram ht