Strels Frag Movie Best CS:1. 6 Movie HD
Website: Forums: Congratulations to Evgeny MiX(eP) Petuhov for creating this video. He is one of the most talented video makers in the gaming community and you can see so in this film. He won the competition out of thousands of subscribers for first place prize of 2, 500 That is a lot of money for video makers. With the immense amount of 3d work put into this film, Mix(eP) brought a lot of new creative ideas to the movie making table for years to come. A Movie about the top player of Voronezh, Russia. It is the end of Single Gaming history. Single Gaming s own StreL is being shown in this video. He shows us some of his skill in the 1. 6 scene. This video might of taken a year or longer to make. The editing is the best I have ever seen as well as probably ever will see from the 1. 6 community. The amount of br, br,