The Prince of Wales at Honolulu (1920)
GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Prince Edward of Wales (future King Edward VIII) visits Honolulu Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: On the Outskirts of Our Empire USA: Hawaii: Honolulu: EXT TITLE: MAIN TITLE LV MV. Prince of Wales (in tropical uniform) arriving by launch (2 shots) MV. Crowd MV. Prince of Wales saluting SCU. Two Hawaiian policemen SCU. Prince of Wales talking to various dignitaries being presented with leis. (several shots) GV. Crowd lining street SCU. Section of crowd (women fashionably dreased) LV. Prince of Wales entourage leaving Government House Duke of Windsor (Edward VIII of Great Britain), Royalty, Ships and Boats, United States of America state visit, ceremony Background: Prince Edward of Wales (future King Edward VIII) visits Honolulu FILM ID: VLVA6KI7V6EDHM8ZJXI09U5QIYZEN To license this film, visit