77 Greenhouse Effects Logos
Roy from Greenhouse Effects is known for making conventional type pedals that have an extra twist, but this latest invention takes that twist to new Enter the Logos ChorusVibrato, officially available today This little, oddly decorated box hold a slew of conventional chorus and vibrato sounds, but also sports a large array of unusual waveforms and envelope controlled parameters. Not to mention some sounds most of us wouldn t think possible from a chorus. Logos is a science experiment, investigating the order of modulation and marrying it to the chaos of expression and dynamics. Check it out and maybe head over and grab one from the link below. Enjoy More info here: Contact Enquiries: INSTAGRAM EMAIL All music copyright 2021 Coda Wold Music Gear 1980s MIJ Thinline Tele, Valvetone Juno 25 (Bassman style) Audient Preamps for Piano, Synth Sample tones, slight stereo widening in post.