free snow strippers + crystal castles type beat enhance
, crystalcastlestypebeat, snowstrippers, synthpoptypebeat FREE FOR NON PROFIT USE, MUST CREDIT IN TITLE prod. ihateinvain BUY BPM 140 KEY C MINOR linktree instagram ihateinvain mail You are only allowed to use this exact version free for nonprofit. Taking the tags off is strictly prohibited unless a lease has been bought prior to doing so. Monetized streams, plays on each platform without buying a lease is NOT allowed. You are not allowed to make content IDs for songs containing my beats If you do make content IDs for songs containing my beats, I have the right to take your song down and take legal action. Any social media use of my beats require crediting me in the caption ihateinvain ignore tags: techno type beat, crystal castles type beat, gesaffelstein type beat, gambi type beat, synth punk type beat, syn