Latest on dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan
1. Wide shot of the conference table with President Aliev on the left, Secretary of State Powell in the middle and President Kocharian on the right 2. Cutaway 3. SOUNDBITE: (Translation) Armenian President Robert Kocharian: I have not made this trip of many miles to Florida to try these propaganda campaigns here or to be a tutor to the cochairs. No, I have come here to work constructively to seek a settlement, and that s the end of my statement. Thank you very 4. Cutaway 5. SOUNDBITE: (Translation) Azerbaijani President Geidar Aliev: During the difficult negotiations, the Armenian side has always taken a tough and unconstructive position. We cannot come to an agreement because the position of the Armenian side at these talks is based on the presumption that, having occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijani territory, it has an advantage. Armenia be all means strives to seize part of the territory of Azerbaijan, annex it, or gain the status of independence for the 6. Powell and compa