How to remember literally anything you learn with Chat GPT
Use my link to get a 25 discount and install Shortform AI using this link to start learning more, faster. In this video, I go over a bunch of memorization techniques for learning that Ive discovered and have been using with ChatGPT. Seriously, these are helpful AF. Hope you enjoy Check out my Patreon: Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 2:02 Method 1 3:39 Method 2 5:02 Sponsor 6:49 Method 3 7:23 Method 4 8:17 Method 5 8:45 Method 6 9:23 Method 7 Watch me on Twitch: Community Discord: Weekly Newsletter: Twitter: Instagram: 3 Books you should read (that changed my life): Atomic Habits: How to Win Friends Influence People: Building a second Brain: The gear I use daily: SMB7 Mic: Logitech Webcam: Logitech Mouse: Secret Lab Chair: Joby GorillaPod: Shelves: PS: Some of these links are affiliate links that I earn from. Business email: This video was sponsored by Shortform. Thank youShortform :) , learning , chatgpt, openai