Strikes In Germany (1958)
Unused, unissued footage dates and locations may be unclear, unknown. Strikes in Hanover and Berlin, Germany. L, S of train sheds, gates in foreground. L, S of two bus drivers outside the gates. General view of buses at a standstill through the gates. L, S of drivers and conductors. C, U two men, one in uniform lighting his cigarette. Shots of placards written in German, referring to strike. High angle shots of deserted station with porter sweeping. People looking at locked gates of station. C, U of girl looking at locked gates. C, U of notice through gates. C, U of German newspaper headlines. People walking to work. Two locals on bicycles pass the camera. C, Us of feet walking along pavement. L, S of people cycling. M, S of people climbing into back of lorry which has pulled over for them. M, S of lorry moving off with people inside waving. Several shots of vehicles lined up in garage. General view of old man and woman walking (in opposite directions) along paper strewn pavement. C, U