Latitudeº ( Live Take ), , Elements, Rings, Three Sisters, Zvex Lo Fi Junky
Live Performance based off of Haiku Nº 06 Latitude. Cold air has returned, time for some cozy beautiful noise. Patch Notes annnannie PATCH RUMORS Bass, Chords RINGS, , in Sympathetic String Chord Mode sending audio to LoFi Junky. Brightness and Damping Modulated by Voltage Block Receiving pitch from Voltage Block Lead Voice STO, , sine wave out processed by Clouds. Receiving pitch from Voltage Block Clicks Percussive Grains ELEMENTS, , processed by Three Sisters Formant mode High and Centre inputs and outputs. Receiving pitch from Voltage Block Voltage Block The Brains Clocked by Intellijel Dixie II Modulating sound sources and Three Sisters Providing Pitch Using steps 18 as a preset keyboard Make Noise Rosie in the Output Stage