Lolo the Penguin (2, 3) English Dubbed + Subbed for lost parts
Originally, this dub was completely uncut. But the Australian release cut some parts. So it will still be subtitled in some parts. CC Subs can be activated with button at bottom screen. I hope one day someone will be able to get the full dub. Or at least someone make a fandub for the lost parts. English audio from Video and Russian audio from Subtitles from The adventures of Lolo the Penguin is a 1988 JapaneseSoviet animated movie. (Russian title: Приключения пингвинёнка Лоло, Priklyucheniya pingvinyonka Lolo; Japanese title: 小さなペンギンロロの冒険, Chīsana Pengin Roro no Bōken). It was coproduction between Japan and Soviet Union. The film was originally released as a threepart serial. The movie tells the tale of Lolo, an Adelaie penguin, fro