Battling Siki vs Georges Carpentier 9, 24, 22 ( Extended Footage)
On September 24, 1922 at Buffalo Velodrome in Montrouge France, the deal was allegedly for challenger Battling Siki to take a dive in his title fight with Light Heavyweight champion Georges Carpentier. So said Siki. Its hard to imagine why such an arrangement had to be made since Carpentier was a seasoned veteran with one of the best reputations of any boxer in the world. Whatever deal was made between whomever, Carpentier insisted he was never informed. Still, a dive need only a diver to take place. Take the hit and take the fall. Siki however, believing that Carpentier was in on the fix, expected the fight to go easy until the moment of untruth. Having not received the memo, Carpentier was all business from the opening bell, and blew into Siki as one would expect from a champion. Having received a slap when expecting a kiss, Siki got pissed off. No dive took place. When the fight ended after a flurry of punches in the sixth round, Carpentier was initially declared the winner on a foul. Minutes