Duke Of Edinburgh At Rolling Stock Exhibition (1961)
Unissued, Unused material Marylebone, London. CU detailed card of English Electric Gas Turbine locomotive. LS of the English Electric Locomotive. CU of the air intake on the locomotive. LSs of steam trains. LS of the Mallard. CU of the name plate Mallard. CU of the record plate on the Mallard GV of the exhibition. LS Car arriving with number plate NGN 1. MS Crowd in cutins Various shots Duke of Edinburgh with Mr Brown (President of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers) shaking hands with others. Various shots as Prince Philip inspects trains, accompanied by Mr Brown, Sir Brian Robertson and Dr Richard Beeching of the British Transport Commission. MS Duke of Edinburgh enters the Tube train. MS Ext. of the Underground train. Int: as Duke walks through carriage of tube train. MS Duke alights from tube after inspection. CU Driver looking out of cabin window, Various shots as Duke inspects trains. CU of Driver inside cabin of diesel locomotive. CU of the control panel inside the diesel train. Va