Midnight Run (1, 9) Movie CLIP An Alonzo Mosely Badge (1988) HD
Midnight Run movie clips: j. mp, 1utgByI BUY THE MOVIE: Don t miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: CLIP DESCRIPTION: The FBI stops Jack (Robert De Niro) on the street to interrogate him, but before they let him go he manages to steal one of their official badges. FILM DESCRIPTION: Director Martin Brest, of Going in Style and Beverly Hills Cop fame, was in charge of Midnight Run. Robert De Niro stars as Jack Walsh, a hardbitten bounty hunter offered 100, 000 to bring in embezzler Jonathan Mardukas (Charles Grodin). Handcuffed to the wimpy Mardukas, Walsh assumes that the extradition trip from New York to Los Angeles will be an uneventful one. But the prisoner hasn t told Walsh the whole story: the embezzler owes 15 million to a mobster (Dennis Farina), and he s been targeted for assassination. It s a tossup as to what is the most entertaining aspect of Midnight Run: the slambang action and chase sequences or the